This page will host all major project milestones.

2024 Futures of Engineering Accreditation year-end wrap-up

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This year marks a major milestone for the Futures of Engineering Accreditation (FEA) project as it completes its final phase. The project published its final deliverable, the Path Forward Report, in November, which has been formally submitted to the Engineers Canada Board for discussion at their December 2024 meeting.

Path Forward Report

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The Futures of Engineering Accreditation (FEA) project team is pleased to share the FEA Path Forward Report, which outlines 18 recommendations for the future of engineering accreditation in Canada. These recommendations reflect the learnings received from the Canadian engineering ecosystem over the last three years. The report’s publication is the final deliverable in the Engineers Canada strategic priority 1.1 ‘Investigate and Validate the Purpose and Scope of Accreditation’.

Summary of the fall 2023 consultations

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Between September and November of 2023, the FEA project team travelled across Canada to meet with members of the CEAB and CEQB, regulators, and Engineering Deans Canada (EDC). The purpose of these engagements was to review draft concepts for a Full Spectrum Competency Profile (FSCP) and potential focuses for a renewed purpose of accreditation, developed by FEA’s Purpose of Accreditation and Academic Requirement for Licensure task forces earlier in the year.

2023 FEA Year-End Wrap-Up

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The Futures of Engineering Accreditation (FEA) project is wrapping up another activity-filled year. The project team is incredibly grateful to everyone who contributed; including those who joined workshops, attended virtual meetings, filled out surveys, and shared their insights; and members of the core volunteer groups who, throughout the year, have continued to advance this work.  

Futures of Engineering Accreditation: Virtual simulation recap

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The Futures of Engineering Accreditation (FEA) project recently concluded its virtual simulations, a structured form of brainstorming that invited 80 participants to explore the current accreditation and licensure system, as related to Engineers Canada’s Strategic Priority 1.1.  

Futures of Engineering Accreditation project kicks-off desktop simulations

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Engineers Canada’s Futures of Engineering Accreditation project (Strategic Priority 1.1: Investigate and validate the purpose and scope of accreditation) objective is to leverage the insights, perspectives, and expertise of the Canadian engineering community to examine the current accreditation system, understand how it is serving contemporary needs, and consider how it can chart a new path for the future of the engineering profession.

Strategic foresight session

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A strategic foresight event was held November 24-26 in Toronto. The session engaged a wide range of voices in a collaborative session to look holistically at the engineering profession, anticipate emerging shifts and identify the implications for the accreditation system and the academic requirement for engineering licensure. Given everything changing in the world around us and within our own systems, we aimed to tackle a big question: what will the engineer of the future need to do?

Benchmarking the Canadian engineering accreditation system report

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The Benchmarking Engineering Accreditation Task Force distributed their consultant research report. This report provides a benchmarking of the accreditation systems of comparator jurisdictions (Australia, France, Malaysia, and Poland) and comparator regulated professions within Canada (Information Technology and Processing Professionals, Nursing, and Social Work). Read the full report here.

Current and emerging practices in engineering education

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The project’s Engineering Education task force completed a consultant research report, titled Current and Emerging Practices in Engineering Education. In support of this strategic priority, this report provides a synthesis of current and emergent practices in engineering education within Canada and internationally. The report was guided by discussions of the Engineering Education Task Force, and a full-day Engineering Education in Canada Workshop that was held on January 17, 2022 with regulators and educators and co-hosted by Engineers Canada and Engineering Deans Canada.